Monday, September 7, 2009

Fun Monday - #46 - Your Babies

Oh My Goodness - I have returned !! Maybe, it's because summer is over - officially, as of today as it is Labor Day ...
The hostess this week is Sayre at Sayre Smiles. Her assignment is:
I want to see your furbabies. Or scalebabies. Or finbabies. Whatever form your pet takes, I want to see a picture of it/them and hear the story of how it/they came to be a part of your family.
UPDATE: Don't have pets? Share your skin-babies!!!

Sadly, i have no furbabies. No scalebabies. No finbabies. BUT, I do have skin-babies (even though they aren't really babies anymore!)
So ... I present to you - my grandbabies !!

Sophomore - Mountain View High School

Trevor - Again !


2 1/2 Years

(the youngest of my babies!)

Freshman - Randolph College

2nd Grade
How did they become a part of my family ??
Obvious answer !!
Except for one ...
Christopher became a part of our family when he was adopted at the age of 13.
It feels so good to be back ... it's been a long time. Take a few minutes and visit Sayre to check out everyone else's babies.


ChrisB said...

It's great to see you joining in again :) Lovely pictures of your grandbabies. I showed mine, but the two older ones have grown up so much since I took the snap a few months back. I can't keep up!

Beckie said...

You were on the same blogging schedule as I was this summer!

The kids are beautiful!

Janis said...

Your grandbabies are delightful, I have a few the same age. Thanks for sharing and happy FM

karisma said...

Gorgeous babies all round! Welcome back!

jill said...

glad to see you joining in again! My post is finally up!

Sayre said...

That's quite a collection you've got there! Beautiful, every one!

Faye said...

First set of skinbabies I've seen in a day of blog reading. Cute at all stages from tyke to college freshman. BTW, my best friend attended Randolph Macon College for Women a thousand years ago. Is your grandson's Randolph College a coed connection with this school?

Ingrid said...

skin babies are nice too, lol !

margaret said...

Yay!! I'm so glad you are back! Thank you for sharing your family with all of us - they are terrific!

margaret said...

PS Oops, I forgot to answer your question about whether both birds talk. The answer is Yes and No. The parakeet doesn't talk, but she chirps and warbles and sings lots of beautiful songs :-) The African Grey talks quite a lot, and he has learned to mimic the parakeet's chirps so...he is now the world's largest (and loudest) parakeet!

Living Life said...

Welcome back to blogland and to Fun Monday! I see it has been quite some time between posts! Looking forward to seeing more of you on FM! Yor grandbabies are all lovely and they range in age too! I'll bet they keep you busy.

Stephanie, Mama Dramatist said...

Hey!! You're back!!

Love the pics of your babies!!

Pamela said...

I feel like I've been on that length of blogging break. I spent the summer taking turns with my 10 grandchildren

SJINCO said...

Man oh man! I can't believe how big they all have gotten. Seriously, they are all so big!