Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Touch of Love

You were six months old and full of fun.
With a blink of my eye, you were suddenly one.

There were so many things we were going to do,
But I turned my head and you turned two.

At two you were very dependent on me,
But independence took over when you turned three.

Your third birthday, another year I tried to ignore,
But when I lit the candles, there weren't three, but four.

Four was the year that you really strived.
Why, look at you now, you're already five.

Now you are ready for books and for rules.
This is the year that you go to school.

The big day came, you were anxious to go.
We walked to the bus; going oh, so slow.

As you climbed aboard and waved goodbye,
I felt a lump in my throat and tears stung my eyes.

Time goes by so fast, it's hard to believe
That just yesterday you were here home with me.

And tomorrow when the bus brings you home and when you jump to the ground,
You'll be wearing your cap and graduation gown.

So I'm holding to these moments as hard as I can,
Because the next time I look, I'll be seeing a man.

by Cindy Zelinski
copyright EAP 1983

I am a mother to two sons ...

This poem is framed and has sat on my bedside table for almost 30 years ...
Along with this picture on the wall above my bed ...

Where did the time go ....



SJINCO said...

Happy Mothers Day!

Did you get the package?

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Happy Mother's Day! I just love that poem! It made me cry. I don't have any boys, but, girls or boys, the time flies by soooo fast. It's still hard to believe that my oldest will graduate from Kindergarten next Monday and that my youngest is now 16 months old!

CPA Mom said...

I feel that way and my son is only 4! Don't tell me this sense of loss gets worse. Love the picture. Love the poem - I've never seen either. Happy Mother's Day!

frannie said...

I am so desperate to hold onto every second of my son's life! He is growing faster than my heart can take!

sniff, sniff

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the poem! I noticed that on another website it's attributed to Robert Fulghum. Not sure what's up with that, but thought you should know. Sorry for the off-topic question, but what does "EAP" after "copyright" mean? I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of becoming an editor, but I haven't heard of that, and I always say one can't have too much knowledge! :) Thanks, in advance, for your response! Again, I truly love the poem!

Anonymous said...

I am getting ready for our son's graduation next year and I was looking for ideas and came across this poem. He is our only child. Time goes so fast and as I reflect his journey through life and how valuable each and every second spending with him is so very precious. He sufferred a brain aneurysm, in high school and has overcome the impossible. I want his party to be fun, special and memorable. Thank you for the idea, I have the same picture.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found a print of this poem in my stash of saved poems, and by coincidence, I also have the picture on our bedroom wall. Was the poem provided with the picture? I received the picture from my mother-in-law. I think she received it from one of those home decorating parties.

Just curious,

Anonymous said...

I have the same picture in my bedroom & everyone that has a boy I make a copy of the poem & give it to them & 33 years later I still cry every time I read it.
Donna L

Anonymous said...

I also have the same picture, poem on back. my mother gave it to me sixteen years ago after i had my first son.

Anonymous said...

This picture and the attached poem was from Home Interiors and Gifts. It was a hostess gift. It was beautiful...timeless.

Anonymous said...

I have had this picture for many years & have never failed to cry when I read the poem. My daughter is expecting a boy next month & I gave the poem to her to read at her baby shower. There was not a dry eye in the room.

Sherri said...

Cindy Zelinski was my mom and she passed away 4years ago. She sold this poem to Home Interiors and you can get from them. I think Home and Gardens might have bought Home Interiors out.

Anonymous said...

I received this poem from a friend 28 years ago when my 1st son was born. I sobbed then and I am getting ready for a friends baby shower and plan on giving the poem to them for their daughter (changing the man to woman). It still brings me to tears every time I read it because it is so true.
Truly love it!

WFGT75 said...

So your mother is the author? I just saw something that titled it by a Ryoko Angel. I want to do something special for my Mom this Mothers Day. She bought that portrait from Home Interiors years back and always told me that was me and her against the world. So it's always held sentimental significance for us. I was looking around online and found a certain of the portrait little smaller framed with the poem. Trying to purchase the item will be close to impossible. So, I was thinking, I could have the poem printed, matted, and framed and hang it next to the portrait for her. But when I print the poem I want to credit the author. When I found it where I could actually copy and past the text it was credited "anonymous", then I find it credited to Ryoko Angel. I just want to get it right when it's printed. Thank you.

Angela Bello said...

I own the copyright to this poem its published in an anthology I won the good housekeeping poetry contest with it

Anonymous said...

My mom sold this to home interiors in 1986 I have the sales receipt she wrote it for my brother her name was Cynthia Zelinski at the time .